Sunday, October 31, 2010

The little problem appear with times

Operation ISS have prolonged to 21 years. Tere Badly what not to 18 years L. I am going to buy ISS after end of its operation. I already have one dollar. I think we will agree on price. I so have thought while drank tea that the good economy turns out. It is not necessary to lift the cargo most part from the earth. And ISS on structure  little reminds my project of interplanetary manned station for expedition to Mars.

Ок, and we will make perhaps. Now still to tea a glass I will pour and I will think as it is better to make. That not to like me it the big heavy beam bearing solar batteries. It is a terrible ballast. At itself in projects I weigh a ballast I transform into an obligatory payload. For example at me beams are made in the form of the basic inhabited modules. Balk-modules. Certainly it is a lot of lacks but economy in weight which should be put into orbit it is huge plus. I will make it! After all I have 1 dollar.
  To me for this money and modules will suffice to fly on a Fobos, Daymos, Mars and further to Asteroids  Vesta and  Cerera. I want on  Vesta it is risen on top of huge mountain. :)))

                                                                                       Jokes jokes but it seriously : /

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mars base STARS

Well here now all problems are practically solved. A way of an input in atmosphere of Mars I will a little change (for uniform distribution of thermal inflow of the heated atmosphere influencing on  my ball of 80 metres, it will enter into atmosphere  Mars by twirled ball, with the set  angle). Now I with my foreign friends without problems will deliver to Mars domes together with base. Anything superfluous it is not rejected and used with advantage! All modules and blocks are useful building and functional elements. From start from the surface of earth to Mars and dwelling on it within several years. Now perhaps I will count cost of each stage. I wish to send expedition with crew  4-10 persons to Mars. It is absolutely real

Friday, October 29, 2010

The small technical deviation from lyrics

Hi all!

I perhaps will make small technical deviation from lyrics. While I drank tea, has decided to send the ball-small- lamp to Mars.
I so have thought it would be not bad. Start up flies on an impulse nearby 800. Hydrogen we will  roast on a frying pan to 1500 and forward on small draught for three months to Mars. And there usual trivial braking with planting. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mounting teils

 Greetings to all!

Yesterday has made photos. These photos have been made on rest in the summer. Photos with bad quality have turned out because have been made by the bad camera.
It was the first picture made after I have risen on mountain. There was a long lifting accompanied by a small rain. But when I have risen on top a rain have passed and there was a sun which has drawn in the dark sky a mirror in diameter about in one kilometre. The mirror has been tense on a skeleton made of a rainbow.
Story continuation follows

Sunday, October 24, 2010

To ride out trade winds

   There were even 15 minutes and with the concept have finished. the concept the simple reliable. All rocket blocks are reliably transformed in parachutes and balloons. Parachutes it will not be always necessary to fold. they will be in the straightened kind, and will be full up hot air or helium. Will swim at a returning stage in air as clouds. Then at certain height they will be catch by an air current and it is kind, and main that that the current free of charge delivers rocket blocks to a restart place. Now I will count cost of construction of such system and forward. I will invite halpers also will construct between times such space attraction. Thus without forgetting that I should make the green SUPERSONIC plane with superspace speed to get to the book of records of Ginnesa.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

PASSAT will halp us!

I on the days off have made a picture interesting. Also has thought that it will be better if stages of my rocket come back to a start place as a cloud floating on the sky, by means of a wind stream. On equator it will make a trade wind. It considerably will make cheap rocket start.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Global Space Attraction

Now it is necessary to look at that as rescue of ring-rocket-stage will look.
Well looks not badly. Nicely enough.
Such cruise will be most safe than space world attractions. A real space attraction. Now it is necessary to calculate cost of investments for such attraction and to begin technical designing.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So  I continue on-line designing with the further on-line manufacturing  supercheap and supersafe  super space university for scientists and students.
For such university it is necessary over cheap and over the reliable rocket carrier.
I have found some minutes and have made a sketch of the constructive scheme. OK, HAVE gone further. Now it is necessary to continue design study already more detailed. Now it is necessary to find somewhere else five minutes. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

NEWTON. New style. New ton.

Hi Friends!
Today has found 30 minutes to work over the power scheme of my project of space university. Newton has decided it to name in honor of the great physicist. Because that is a lot of in the project is connected with telescope Newton system, and gravitation which He so wanted to understand.
The project appears not badly. The basic attention I give certainly safety...... To absolute safety and rescue systems.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Univesities go out an orbit!

I congratulate the Chilean miners on an exit on a surface!!! You strong people!!!
I so have thought, on others planets when I will put the mines, whether it is necessary to send miners? No! There there will be steel robots!
Mines on other planets it cool! to choose a good place for mine I so between times I project the small pocket field-glass for space. In it can look at once billion person :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Progress not to stop!!!

You sometime heard about laser 3D to a rating? Now precisely will hear. Rating far and wide :))) It is my personal project, And I carry it to Europe far away from dangerous church obscurantists.
Progress not to stop!!!

The linear accelerator or orbiting station? Both the linear accelerator, and an orbiting station.

When I spoke about the space accelerator, I meant linear dispersal of particles reiltron long in more than 100km. Very big conveniences! It is not necessary to pump out air from it. And the most important thing what pure and fresh vacuum! (Useful to health........................accelerator's health :) .Problems much I don't argue but it is worthy of it.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hi Folk!
That each person of a planet could make by request to itself personal weather, not do without good transparent domes. The space mirror it is certainly good, but I will make it for other purposes. in 2005 trained with a dome 120х80 meters. Has tried in different variants. It was pleasant. From easy movements of a tiny dome 16х10 meters through an easy step 120х80 meters to warm-up 500х500 meters and to begin at last training from 1000х1000 meters to 10 000х10000 meters and further without reducing rate, with installation of domes on other planets.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Mirror of the World

I here have thought and have solved that without a mirror jalousie not to manage. Weather should be regulated unequivocally. Here only to each of billions people will do it for mood it is problematic.

To John 70

Imagine John that probably returning.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Greetings friends!
Today has walked on wood. Mushrooms has a little collected. Has sat at small pool. Weather was fine. In the sky instead of clouds the grass grew but it to me didn't disturb :) I when sat on the bank of a pond has thought of such thing. It would be not bad if it would be possible to do such weather by request. Under mood. Now I attempt mushrooms and I will think of it. I will think as it it is possible to make.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

London-LA for 5 minutes

I very much love fractals. Yes it so!
Especially fractals constructions.
I congratulate guys Andrey and Kostya on Nobelevkoj!

Here at me in the bottom drawing the amusing thing turns out. As continuation fractal's sequences. :))
By the way about flying frogs and Levitrons, published in 1997 in magazine European Journal of Physics.
Too Irreplaceable thing!!!

You ask me, and for 5 minutes it is possible to reach from London to LA by my plane?
And I will answer you... That there is nothing easier!
It even will be more comfortable than on modern pterodactyls. Just by means of this levitation a magnetic pillow, all accelerations will appear a trifle. Even 100g. It is necessary to think certainly about this device but it is worthy of it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

from London to LA for 30 minutes

Hi All!

Yesterday has put in two statements on patents. Anything so, cool there will be projects, especially after realization.

Let's soon fly on the sky from London to LA for 30 minutes. Yes Misters no more.You always will be in time on last session in a cinema, directly on the freshest film which I will remove in Hollywood.

/ The XX-th century. The Erth planet..............The CONCORDE>
\ The ХХI-th century.The Erth planet..............The SUPERHYPERSONIC>